Weight Loss Program

Achieve Your Desired Weight And Fitness Goals With No Special Diet Or Stressful Exercise

Virtual Training and Business in a Box

Available With All The Tools You Will Need, Including Marketing For Your Website


Connecting Physicians With Patients for Greater Exposure

Slim Shot MD brings together a team of highly experienced and specialized weight loss consultants focused on helping physicians across the United States that want to gain exposure to new clients and upgrade their website presence online.

If you are a patient looking to find a provider, please get in touch with us, and we’ll use our extensive market connections to help you find the right provider. Connect with us to learn how to join us and become a provider.

Confident female doctor at office desk

Proven Results

Say goodbye to generic diet plans and stressful fitness plans suggested by nutritionists. The SLIM SHOT MD Semaglutide Weight Loss program is an essentially counseled program by a medical physician, NP, or PA that can be embraced totally from your home, with all meetings with your specialist scheduled virtually. Results vary and have shown that you could lose as much as 20 pounds in just 2 months and up to 50 pounds or more in 4 months in obese patients.

Our revolutionary weight loss program is serving as a powerful tool for physicians around the world. We are here to provide a comprehensive platform to allow more and more patients to enjoy its benefits. Have more questions? Check out our FAQ page now.

Pricing Details

Inject medication prescribed by a Slim Shot MD every week and witness the change in your weight. You can choose to remain on the program on a continuous basis or repeat it anytime, depending on your needs. Our physician’s pricing structure is simple and doesn’t include any hidden fees.

This includes the physician's virtual appointment, consulting services, as well as the medication and supplies. This program is provided in sessions depending on how long you and your physician decide what dosing will work best for you will determine the session price.


Get Started Today

Contact us for a free consultation to get your practice up and running.